“The Doctors Said My Fatty Liver Would Kill Me, But
I Figured Out How To Reverse It 100% Naturally”

Dear friend;

Close to two BILLION people have fatty liver disease worldwide… Most have NO IDEA, even though it’s taking years off their life and maybe even more importantly damaging their QUALITY of life.

In fact, there’s more than a 30% chance that YOU have it – and if you have ANY of the risk factors below, that starting 30% chance is likely much, much higher.

Does any of this describe you?

  • You’re carrying around some extra pounds
  • You drink alcohol at least a couple times a week (even in moderation)
  • You feel tired and sluggish
  • You feel fatigued, even after you wake up
  • You have trouble focusing your attention
  • You have diarrhea or irregular bowel movements
  • You have gas or bloating
  • Your vision seems blurry or sensitive to light
  • You have high cholesterol
  • Your back is sore on your right side
  • Your eyes or skin seem to have a yellowish tinge

Here’s the deal. If your answer is “yes” to any of the above questions, if you’re over 40 years old, and if overall you just don’t feel that great, then:

…You have a much more than above-average likelihood of having fatty liver disease.

 Here’s What You Need To Know
And What To Do About It

 First, it’s important to understand all the important jobs your liver does:

It filters and eliminates toxins like alcohol, pollutants, and the junk that shouldn’t be going through your body. That’s the part most people know.

What most people DON’T realize is everything ELSE your liver does:

It metabolizes fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. It regulates your blood sugar and cholesterol. It cleans your blood. It makes your skin soft. It helps with your digestion. And that’s just getting started.

in fact, it has over 400 functions which it normally does great, UNLESS your liver’s fat content goes above 5%. At that point things start to go haywire and you get such a long list of seemingly unrelated ailments that it’s hard to believe they’re all being caused by one problem.

I’ll say that again because it’s big-time important:

If your liver’s fat content is over 5% (and lots of people are up in the 10 – 15% range!) things start to go haywire and you may have so many different ailments it’ll never cross your mind they’re all being caused by the SAME THING. -Fatty liver.

 Lower Quality Of Life / Shortened Life

 It’s almost like one of those bad doctor jokes: “I’ve got some bad news and some good news… The BAD news is you’ve got fatty liver and you’re going to keep feeling worse and worse. The GOOD news is you’re not going to live very long.”

Ugh. Like I said, it’s a bad joke. Made worse by the fact that it’s true. 🙁

 The Good News

The good news is this: There’s a a way to reverse and heal fatty liver in the vast majority of cases.

Here’s the even better news:

That LONG LAUNDRY LIST OF SYMPTOMS you’re suffering from will just GO AWAY once you follow this proven fatty liver protocol to reverse the damage. That means this happens automatically:

  •  You lose weight (because your liver starts metabolizing your food more efficiently)
  • Your skin gets softer and clears up
  • Your focus and concentration improves
  • You sleep better
  • Your stomach / bowel problems go away
  • You pull out of your depression automatically

Then of course there’s the improvements you can’t see:

  • You add years to your life
  • You decrease the likelihood of heart attack or stroke and major illnesses.

This is all even more important because:

Doctors Often Aren’t Much Help

My name is David Williams. I’m a health researcher and writer who unexpectedly got fatty liver a few years ago. Doctors can drop the ball in three ways when it comes to your fatty liver:

  1. It’s easy to misdiagnose the problem. The symptoms and physical ailments caused by fatty liver are so widespread and can appear so unrelated that your doctor may just try to treat the SYMPTOMS caused by your fatty liver, which won’t help you long-term and could make it WORSE over time.
  2. Your doctor may put you on $#%@ DRUGS, which can be bad for your liver! After misdiagnosing you, your doctor my try to treat a SYMPTOM (like depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, etc) with a drug. Doctors LOOOOVE to prescribe drugs. Well, NEWS FLASH: Any prescribed drug you are given may just become one more toxin your already struggling liver has to deal with.
  3. Even if they diagnose you correctly, your doctor may just give you a generic brochure on fatty liver and send you on your way. That’s what happened with me: My doctor just kind of shrugged after diagnosing me with fatty liver disease and handed me a pamphlet with generic info about it. It wasn’t very helpful, and there was NO DETAILED PROTOCOL to help reverse fatty liver disease as efficiently and as quickly as possible!

Finally, A Protocol That Reverses And Heals Fatty Liver

It took me quite a while to crack the code, but once I did I overcame my liver disease. I got my blood test numbers back to normal, ended my fatigue, cleared up my pain, and literally reversed my condition.

Heck, I even lost 25 lbs and lowered my cholesterol to boot! No more symptoms, no more suffering. And almost like magic, that long list of ailments (being tired and run down, stomach problems, mental fuzziness, bad skin, overall depression, etc) just went away.

And my doctor? Well, he was shocked, and also pleasantly surprised, since not all his patients recover from liver problems. He said it looked like I would be one of the lucky ones.

Luck Had Nothing To Do With It

Let’s be honest, this wasn’t about luck at all, it was about me figuring out how to reverse my condition and finally stop killing my liver. It was about coming up with a complete detailed protocol of the right foods and supplements and mindset and lifestyle that genuinely worked.

Depending on what’s wrong with you and how advanced your condition is, it’s very likely you can heal yourself too, lessen your pain, and move towards recovery. Many people start feeling better in less than a week after following the steps of the Fatty Liver Protocol I designed and documented.

That’s because the liver is one of the few organs that’s able to regenerate itself, and naturally reverse the damage from your past. If you think about that, it’s kind of a miracle, but it’s just how the human body works.

A large percentage of people with “simple” fatty liver disease (about 80% of us), can overcome our condition. We can get back to having a normal life again, without drugs or fatigue or any of the painful complications.

I did, and since I began my this journey, I’ve met hundreds of other fatty liver sufferers who achieved the same thing.

Start Feeling Better This Week

As I said, some people start feeling better within the first week after following the steps in the Fatty Liver Protocol I designed, which is the same program I developed and used to heal my own liver.

After all, once you get your liver in shape and operating at peak efficiency, other parts of your life just fall into place…

Your excess weight burns off effortlessly – and stays off.
Your skin and eyes clear up, vision improves.
Your diabetes symptoms dissipate.
You look younger and more vibrant.
You have more energy and clarity.
Your memory and mental sharpness improve.

Because the protocol I researched and created helped me so much, I want you to try it for yourself to see what it can do for you. It’s based on traditional medicine combined with evidence-based science. In other words, it’s proven to work.

Here’s What You’re About To Discover

The Fatty Liver Protocol is jam-packed with everything you need to reverse and heal your condition…

  • My personal 7-day liver cleanse and detox which includes exactly what to eat, and when to eat it to clean your liver, and purify your blood.
  • The truth about coffee and fatty liver disease, and why almost none of the studies are looking at the right data.
  • How peanuts were secretly poisoning my liver, and why you never want to eat them – or 12 other things – if you have a fatty liver. Unfortunately, your doctor will NOT tell you this.
  • How big food and agriculture companies create unhealthy food that’s as addictive as cocaine, and then profit when you get sick from it, and how to protect yourself.
  • How to get your insurance company to pay for your massages, chiropractic, and alternative care.
  • How to purge chemicals, cleaners, and poisons from around your house, replace them with natural alternatives that really work, and immediately feel better.
  • 14 supplements that are proven by science to help you heal your liver, kidneys, colon, and heart, as well as detox your blood. These are the same ones I take.
  • 20 inexpensive and easy-to-find foods your liver loves.

A Couple Important Points

  1. I’m just a regular guy, I don’t have willpower of steel or anything like that. I’ve got some bad habits, and sometimes I’m lazy. My point is, I was able to follow this Fatty Diet Protocol myself, and if I can do it, you can do it. (In fact, there’s an entire section devoted to helping you have a positive mindset which will help you.)
  2. If you have multiple symptoms of Fatty Liver but your doctor hasn’t told you that you have it, that doesn’t mean you don’t have Fatty Liver! Regardless, this Fatty Liver Protocol will still help you even if you haven’t been diagnosed. It will make you healthier across the board.

How Much Does It Cost To
Get The Fatty Liver Protocol?

I personally spent $3,000 on tests and time off, and thousands more on cleanses, classes, books, juicers, acupuncture, nutrition coaches, courses, treatments, and supplements trying to figure this whole thing out (so you don’t have to).

To be honest, I would have spent much more if I needed to.  Obviously, your health and mood and well-being and increased life expectancy are priceless.

As a packaged home-study course the Fatty Liver Protocol would sell for $300, but at least for now I’m offering a digital download version that drastically reduces the cost and that you can have 5 minutes from now instead of having to wait days for it to ship to you.

Bla bla bla, [ instead of $67, today just $27 ]

100% Guaranteed, Or It’s Free

As you know, the Fatty Liver Protocol is the same program I designed and used to heal my own liver, so I know it works. If it doesn’t completely transform your life, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll immediately send you a prompt and courteous refund and we’re still friends, case closed.

I was able to heal my liver with this when nothing else worked. Now I live a normal life again, free from pain and suffering, able to walk up a flight of stairs, even work around the house. That’s what I want for you too, and what I pray the Fatty Liver Protocol will do for you. If the results you get don’t match your expectations or hopes in any way, I refuse to let you be out even a penny.

Get Started Today And Get These Valuable Bonuses

  • Facebook Group Access: Get access to our community of people who are actively healing their fatty liver and restoring optimal health to their lives.
  • Healthy Liver Email Newsletter: Latest info on strengthening your liver, purifying your body, breakthrough supplements, and news to make your life better.
  • Healthy Liver Recipes: You get some of my favorite recipes and meal plans for people who have liver issues. Not only will these heal your body, but they are also delicious.
  • Lifetime updates: Get this during the pre-launch period, and you will always be upgraded to the latest version of this program for free.

The Fatty Liver Protocol gives you real, proven strategies to reverse and heal your fatty liver, strategies that worked for me and many others. You can implement these right away and start feeling better, sometimes in as little as a few days to a week.

Do something about your liver problem right now, while you are still thinking about it. You’ll receive immediate access to the entire program and can get started in less than 5 minutes.


You owe it to yourself to try this, you’ve got nothing to lose. And remember, with the included bonuses of the Facebook Group Access to get any questions you may have answered and the Healthy Liver Email Newsletter, you’ll continue to get support, encouragement and help as you continue your journey.

Your friend, XXXXXXXXX

PS – Remember, you could start feeling better within the next few days to a week, and if you’re not overjoyed with how much better you feel within 60 days from now, just let me know and it doesn’t cost you a penny.

PPS – This is the exact protocol I developed that healed my fatty liver. It will improve your health even if you haven’t been officially diagnosed with a fatty liver, because it will drastically improve your health overall!




Tim Gross is a touring musician with Rick Springfield who also does piano training on PianoGenius.com